
Prof. Dr. Allama Nasir Al-Din Nasir Hubb-i Ali Hunzai( Rehmatullah Alaina)

He is the author of over a hundred books related to the esoteric interpretation of the Holy Qur’an. He writes both prose as well as poetry.

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Prof. Dr. Allama Nasir Al-Din Nasir Hubb-i Ali Hunzai ( Rehmatullah Alaina)

He is the author of over a hundred books related to the esoteric interpretation of the Holy Qur’an. He writes both prose as well as poetry.

He is the first person to have a Diwan of poetry in Burushaski, his mother tongue, and is known as “Baba-i Burushaski” (Father of Burushaski) for his services to that language.

He also composes poetry in three other languages: Urdu, Persian and Turkish. His contribution to spiritual science is widely recognised.

He is the co-author of a German-Burushaski Dictionary published by Heidelberg University, German y and “Hunza Proverbs” published by Calgary University of Canada. He is a recipient of “Sitarah-i Imtiyaz” awarded by the Government of Pakistan for his contribution to literature.